
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme

National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
The NVBDCP is an umbrella programme for prevention and control of six VBDs viz. Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Dengue, Chikungunya, Kala-azar and Lymphatic Filariasis. Of these, three diseases namely Kala-azar, Lymphatic Filariasis and Malaria are targeted for elimination. Under NVBDCP, promotive, preventive and curative (diagnosis and treatment) services are uniformly made available to all segments of population including SCs and STs in all the States/UTs of the country.
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List of Medicines, Drugs, Medical Equipment being procured by CMSS:

ACT-SP (1-4 year) / Blister Pack

ACT-SP (5-8 year) / Blister Pack

ACT-SP (9-14 year) / Blister Pack

ACT-SP (for Adults) / Blister Pack

Ambisome Inj. 50 mg / Vials

Amphotericin-B for Injection for Kala-Azar / Vials

Artesunate Injections (Along with Disposable Syringe And Needle)

Artesunate Injections / Kits

Bivalent RDT kits for Malaria / Test kit

Bivalent RDT Test for Malaria / Kit

Cap. Miltefosine 10 mg / 1 Cap.

Cap. Miltefosine 50 mg / 1 cap

LLIN Size 2 / Pieces

LLIN Size 3 / Pieces

Tablet Ivermectin 3mg

Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit For Kala Azar

Synthetic Pyrethroids / Metric Tons

LLIN Size 1 / Pieces

Inj. paromomycin Im 375 mg of 2 ml / Amp.

DEC Tablets / Tablets

ACT-AL (14+ Adult) / Packs of 24 Tabs

ACT-AL (3-8 years age) / Packs of 12 Tabs


ACT-AL (6 months - 3 years age) / Packs of 6 Tabs

ACT-AL (9-14 years age) / Packs of 18 Tabs

ACT-SP (0-1 year) / Blister Pack

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